Phrases of violence against women, violence is an immoral behavior that destroys society and destroys humanity, and violence in society takes many forms, including domestic violence, school violence, violence against children and violence against women, where thousands of women around the world suffer from problems of violence, persecution and immoral behavior, which prompted us to This article aims to shed light on the concept of violence against women and to include for you the most beautiful phrases about violence against women.

Phrases about violence against women

Women are sensitive creatures with abundant feelings and tender heart, and women are instinctively inclined to peace and looking for security and safety and sacrifice everything they have in order to preserve themselves, their love, their lives and their stability, which leads the weak of souls to exploit that kindness and innocence and to practice various methods of violence against Women and as an advocate for women and their rights, we will include in this paragraph of our article phrases about violence against women

  • Those who perpetrate violence against women only practice violence against themselves, their society, their children, and their future. Women are the mother, the homeland, and the entire society.
  • How can the human heart be able to cause harm to that sensitive being that is the woman, it is a wonder that the human heart is so cruel.
  • The woman is like the earth that grows with bounties, the earth gives from plants to sustain life, and the woman gives birth to children so that life can continue, and the practice of violence against women is a destruction of the land and hostility to nature.
  • God Almighty created women with those feelings and those psychological sensitive to a lot of judgment that we must respect and employ in the service of society and raising children, not to take advantage of that weakness and practice the most heinous crimes against that slave being.
  • Women have never been a profane being, and God Almighty did not create them in order to take advantage of their weakness, rob them of their rights, and destroy their feelings and feelings.

The concept of violence against women

The concept of violence against women refers to all behaviors and actions that cause psychological or physical harm to women, and any gender-based violence or sexual violence. It includes all immoral acts and acts of violence that are represented in the deprivation of freedoms, coercion to do various acts, or coercion to engage in sexual activities and others.

Violence against women has a long and rich history, as it is not a newcomer today. Rather, history is full of crimes that were and are still being practiced against women since they were led in the pre-Islamic era to sharing them with the spoils of war, leading to the forms of violence prevalent today, and there are many definitions that describe violence against women. In 1979 the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was signed in Istanbul, which defined violence against women as “violence against women” is understood as a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against women and means all acts of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether this occurs in public or private life.”

See also

Forms of violence against women

Violence against women takes many forms and types and takes many aspects and directions such as physical violence, psychological violence, economic, sexual, health and social violence and other types of violence.

  • Physical crimes such as sexual harassment, rape, sexual coercion and forced prostitution.
  • Domestic violence against women, reproductive coercion and infanticide, sex-selective abortion, abuse of women during childbirth, and prenatal sex selection.
  • Acid spray attacks is one of the types of violent assault in which the assailant throws a burning acid on a woman with the aim of permanently disfiguring her, torturing her or killing her.
  • Practices related to customs and traditions, honor killings, dowry killings, female circumcision, bride kidnapping, and forced marriage.
  • So are forms of rape during wars, sexual violence against women, sexual slavery during conflict, forced sterilization and forced abortion.
  • Violence perpetrated by official authorities such as the police and other beatings, floggings, mutilations, and others.
  • Violence perpetrated by criminal organizations, such as employing women and forcing them into forced prostitution, sex trafficking, temporary marriage, and others.
  • As well as psychological and verbal violence, such as cursing, cursing, cursing, and profanity against women, which destroy women’s psyche and reduce their self-confidence.

Motives for violence against women

As for the reasons that may lead to violence against women, there are many reasons and motives that push the weak-minded to such practices, including

  • Social motives These are represented by the prevailing societal norms, customs and traditions, which lead to the oppression of women and deprive them of many of their rights such as the right to education, or forcing them to do some things such as forcing them to marry or otherwise.
  • Psychological motives It relates to the personality of the individual who assaults and practices violence against women, and these practices may be the result of mental illness or a marginalized culture in which this person was brought up based on disrespect for women and violation of their rights.
  • Economic motives Economic causes and motives also play the largest role in the practice of acts of violence against women. Bad economic conditions often lead to parents being forced to deprive women of education, and women’s need in many cases to work and earn a living exposes them to many forms of work and forms. Violence against women forces them to conceal and succumb to harsh economic conditions.

See also

The consequences of violence against women

Since women are the basis of society and the basic building block for its construction, and it is the most important part that if the whole society is reconciled, and if it is corrupt, the whole society will be corrupted. Therefore, the practice of violence against women has many negative effects, some of which we present to you as follows

  • Health effects These effects are the result of physical or sexual violence, such as beating, flogging, assault, sexual harassment and rape, which leave many negative effects such as bruises, wounds and tumors. They also affect movement and may cause problems in the digestive system, internal organs, or genitals. It often leads to death.
  • Psychological effects These effects are reflected on a woman’s psyche, her thinking, her social personality, her behavior and her emotions in society, and they result in many psychological diseases such as psychological disorders, constant anxiety, tension, fear and severe depression, which may lead that woman to resort to sedatives and sedatives, or drinking alcohol, smoking, or taking Drugs, which can cause addiction and major problems in the long run.
  • Social effects These effects are reflected on the personality of women in society and are part of the psychological effects left by the practices of violence against women, and these effects are anxiety and turmoil in dealing with others, love of isolation and unwillingness to mix, as it leads to extreme nervousness, acute emotions and hasty reactions It causes her discontent with herself and the members of the community around her.
  • Economic effects Women are an active member of society. Rather, they are the basis for building society and civilization, and their role in any field of society’s progress and growth does not disappear. Women are an integral part of the economic process and have a major role alongside men in achieving economic growth and progress, and the practice of violence against women. It weakens her desire to work and give and thus huge numbers of human energies are lost as a result of immoral acts of violence against women.

See also

Phrases about violence against women on Twitter

Twitter is one of the most famous global social networking platforms, which millions of users use and publish their ideas on and reflect their goals, aspirations and orientations to build society and achieve human justice. And in this paragraph of our article, we will include for you phrases about violence against women on Twitter

  • If we want to fight discrimination, injustice and violence against women, we must start at home because if a woman is not safe in her home, she is not expected to feel safe anywhere on earth.
  • The practice of violence against women is not a cultural matter and has nothing to do with customs, norms and traditions with the practices of violence against women, it is a criminal act, and it is related first and foremost to the personality of the aggressor and his environment, and society’s support or resentment against him.
  • Justice, equality and access to rights cannot come easily, they are things that we must strive to get.
  • Violence against women is perhaps the most heinous violation of human rights, and perhaps the most pervasive, as it knows no geographic borders, specific cultures or specific environments, and as long as violence against women exists, we cannot claim real progress towards equality, development and peace
  • It is not enough just to treat women well. We have to work to make sure that all men treat women well. Standing up for the rights of girls and women is a big and essential part of manhood.

Phrases about violence against women in English

The issue of violence against women is not the issue of a town, city, state or continent, it is the issue of humanity from ancient times to the present day, and no type of world literature has been devoid of phrases that advocate women and demand their rights and reject all forms of violence against them, and as a global issue, many Supporters of women’s issues about the most beautiful phrases about violence against women in English, which we will include for you in the following lines

See also

Affective phrases about violence against women

Humanitarian issues arouse people’s feelings, attract their interests, and stimulate their passion for change and making a difference. Perhaps the most prominent humanitarian issue that preoccupies people in ancient and modern times is the issue of violence against women, about which people write the most beautiful phrases and sweet thoughts in support of women’s rights and rejection of all forms of violence against them, and we include In this paragraph, you have effective expressions of violence against women

  • Together we can change our culture for the better by ending violence against women and girls Together we can make a difference and change the direction of the ship and break the chains of our fragile hearts and sensitive feelings Together we can dream of a better tomorrow and a brighter future.
  • There is one universal truth that applies to all countries, cultures and societies violence against women is totally unacceptable, never justified, and never tolerated.
  • Violence against women is a horrific violation of human rights, but it is not inevitable that we can together put an end to this violence and fight all its forms.
  • The only way to end violence against women is to speak out and not be silent.
  • The mistreatment of women and girls is the most widespread human rights violation on the face of the earth, and at the same time, it is the most serious problem that has yet to be resolved.

See also

The most beautiful phrases about violence against women

The issue of violence against women was and still is the central issue for which hundreds of organizations around the world and millions of activists, men and women, who reject any form of discrimination between men and women and reject all forms of violence against women struggle, and these activists and others wrote the most beautiful phrases that support women and defend their rights. rights and criminalize violence against them, and we include for you the following phrases about violence against women

  • We must be one. We must not tolerate violence against women in any form, in any context, at any time, in any circumstance, by any political leader or by any government.
  • We need more men, courage, strength, integrity and morals to break the silence, challenge each other and stand with women, not against them.
  • I do not wish for a woman to have power over a man but at least for a woman to have power over herself.
  • As a human rights issue, the effort to end violence against women should be a government commitment, not just a good idea, slogans, and chants.
  • Violence against women in all its forms is a violation of human rights, and is not accepted by any culture, religion or tradition, and it is a priority issue to fight and end all forms of violence against women around the world.
  • The greatest burden and the greatest part of the struggle and struggle to end violence against women and to eliminate all forms of violence everywhere falls on the women themselves in not being silent, not giving in and not being secretive.

See also

Phrases about violence against women in pictures

Although our article is about phrases about violence against women, the colorful images that contain slogans that support women and reject all forms of violence against them have a great impact on people’s hearts and opinions, so many people who search for phrases about violence against women also search for images of Violence against women, and in this paragraph of our article we will include phrases about violence against women in pictures

Phrases about violence against women Phrases about violence against women Phrases about violence against women Phrases about violence against women

See also

Phrases about violence against women in French

France is one of the countries that advocates women’s issues and demands their rights, and fights against all kinds and forms of violence against children and women. In the following lines, they have some expressions about violence against women in French

Here we come to the end of our journey in this article that we presented to you under the title Phrases of Violence against Women, in which we talked about one of the core issues that most women suffer from around the world, and our support for women and the need to achieve societal justice and not to expose women to any form of violence. In this article, you have the most beautiful phrases about violence against women and many aphorisms and sayings of activists and defenders of women’s rights around the world.